Bill, BN’57, and Jean Buchanan are longtime and passionate supporters of Drake University. The Buchanans established the Buchanan Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership in 2009. The Buchanan Center offers a variety of curricular and co-curricular programming to foster entrepreneurship among Drake students. The center provides support for the entrepreneurial management major and entrepreneurship minor as well as opportunities for students to develop skills and networks in local and international communities.
Bill and Jean, who are serving as honorary co-chairs of The Ones campaign, recently enhanced their support for the Buchanan Center with an additional $2 million gift.
"We want the Buchanan Center to provide an outlet for individuals who have compelling ideas and motivation to work hard and to help those individuals experience growth and success, especially when they do not come from wealthy backgrounds," said Bill. "We’re proud of how the Buchanan Center has developed over time and want to ensure its sustainability for the future."
The couple’s past support has included establishing the Buchanan Endowed Scholarship and helping to create and support the Adams Bowers Actuarial Education Center at Drake.
Bill, a graduate of the actuarial science program, has served on the College of Business and Public Administration National Advisory Council. He received the University’s Alumni Loyalty Award in 2007 and the CBPA Stuart A. Klugman Distinguished Alumni Award in 2011.