The Ones Building Relationships
Joe and Leslie Aiello
When Joe, BN’80, and Leslie, FA’79, Aiello reflect on their Drake experiences, they most value the relationships they’ve made.
It began during their years as undergrads, where both fostered friendships through Greek Life and other activities. The couple also met at Drake at a disco one month into Joe’s first year.
As alumni, they connected with other passionate Drake supporters through their volunteer role on the Parents Board and Joe’s service on the National Alumni Board and Board of Trustees.
“We've made some great friendships through our service,” says Joe. “Drake is still fostering relationships for us more than 40 years after we first stepped on campus.”
The couple says while education is the number one priority when attending a university, it’s the social aspects of college that truly help students develop. This belief is the reason the Aiellos have made a leadership gift to the University Center to create more intentional social spaces for Drake students to engage with one another.
“You grow so much through your social experiences while you are in college,” says Leslie. “You learn how to converse with people, to carry yourself, and how to move forward in life. The one thing Drake is really lacking is that center for all the activities that are going on. The University Center is going to round out the experience for students.”